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Öland Expedition 2003

Thursday, may 22th


Danish version
"We will leave in 10 minutes..." With this message everyone woke up and got very busy doing what they had to do. The wind had calmed during the night and it was quite a nice surprise that we were able to get out to the wrecks this day. But we were lucky again and soon on our way to visit the last of the four wrecks, the "Gutrune".
Following a 3 hour travel to the wreck site, the "Gutrune" was soon marked and everything made ready for the first dive. The first team secured the shot line to a large winch and like the previous days the visibility was more than 20 meters.
The wreck of the "Gutrune" has collapsed considerably compared to "Director Reppenhagen" and "Nicomedia". But "Gutrune" it is still a very nice dive and worth more than just one visit. The stern and bow stands many meters above the seabed while the deck area and bridge has collapsed into the wreck.
The "Gutrune" saw the entire team diving the wreck the rest of the day, and everyone was very satisfied. Primarily for having completed the entire Uboatmassakre (4 wrecks). Secondly a few of the divers believed that the wreck was even better than the description given during the pre-dive briefing. What can you say to that ....
Having finished another days of diving we began to prepare the nitrox fillings for the following day. Everyone wanted to go back to do some more diving on the "Director Reppenhagen", so this was the decision for the following day.



(c) nolimitsdiving 2003